Meet me in my parent’s basement

22 10 2008

I just got this email from Urban Daddy about this new “meeting spot”. My immediate reaction to the picture was “ew”.

Maybe it’s the lighting, and lack of windows, but seriously this looks like a souped-up version of your parent’s basement where kids go to free-base while watching Kids.

Here’s UD’s description

This is the clincher:
But what we’re really intrigued by is the…extracurricular possibility of the space. Since the place is all yours when you rent it, the owners have an anything-goes policy. So if you’re looking to throw an old-school spiked punch holiday party, need a new space to run your high stakes strip poker game or have a burning desire to host a screening of your three-part documentary on the life and music of Air Supply (we’ll be busy that night), this is your place.

Click on the picture above for more info on the space.