Cardiac arrest

23 10 2008

I’ve always had a fascination with the human heart, figuratively and literally, and especially tools that gauge it and work on it. I remember handling a lambs heart in kindergarten and I couldn’t stop poking my fingers through the valves. My father had two heart attacks by the time I was five years old, or around that age, and I remember not understanding what it all meant. A healthy Scottish diet of margarine sandwiches, meat & potatoes, and smoking heavily will do that to a guy, I guess. I remember going to the gift shop in the hospital because I wanted to get him some Rolos, since they were our favorite candy at the time, and when I handed them to him he looked so weak but his smile was so warm. Funny how things change.

I also couldn’t pronounce, or spell, “hospital” for the life of me. I always thought it was “hopsital”, and reminded me of “constable” from Mary Poppins.

I’m not a fan of the music necessarily, but the use of the cardiograph is great.
