cell sense

2 10 2008

“KDDI announced a new prototype phone that uses six different types of sensors to see its surroundings, including other people and objects within proximity… Its also able to detect how many calories one has burned via walking or running, even using the microphone (?) in the process.”

i want to get this cell phone so i can sensor when my next door neighbor has her girlfriend over for the night and can expect an extra early wake up call. you see, our beds our separated by thin sheet rock, she sleeps in the opposite direction i do. so when things get heated i feel heels smacking two inches from my angelic face during my REM cycle. maybe i could also detect how many calories they are burning in the heat of the moment and begin a friendly competition.


texting your way to love

2 10 2008

this video is so true these days. wtf! can’t you just pick up the damn phone, it’s so much more efficient. i understand texting acquaintances and avoiding unnecessary rapport but come on people! relationships should def graduate out of the texting phase and if they’re not come see me so we can try to figure out how to make this happen. im stumped.


Holy shit

29 09 2008

I just ordered a new MacBook online. That was one expensive click of the thumb. 


The reason for the expensive click is because my old piece-o’-shit decided to die. Yesterday. 

I’m excited about the new one though because hopefully I can find a cute decal thing to cover the boring whiteness that is bound to get extremely dirty.