Dear Fred Flare,

10 10 2008

If you could stop being so darn cute I’d appreciate it.

1. Why wouldn’t you need a Napoleon Dynamite sleep mask?

2.These Holiday nyokki (“grow” in Japanese, and no I don’t know that because I’m Asian. It says it on the website) plants are absolutely darling!

3. If I ever saw a man with these lumberjack briefs on… well think of me doing something highly inappropriate with said man against a rough pine tree.

4. I saw a girl with this tote the other day, and believe me, it looks much cuter in real life (as opposed to the fake life that exists on the intergalactic highway).

5. Nancy Drew is such a slacker.

<3, Kiki

Fall is here

3 10 2008

… and it makes me very excited!

And I have no idea how this got formatted so weird.. but bear with me.

Today has been really strange. “Carrie Bradshaw” (my boss, Susie’s former boss) is totally crazy. We’ll explain later on as to why they are so similar. Though I feel like we may be insulting SJP… then again I’m not the hugest fan. Wanna hear my best joke?

Sarah Jessica Parker walks into a bar.

Bartender says: “Why the long face?”

Onto more important things, like fashion, duh.

For some reason I’m really into navy right now. I’m always been all about wearing black or grey, but I feel I’m about to be seeing much more navy in my wardrobe. I really want a pair of navy ballet flats and matching stockings. Hot.

Jumbo pom-pom beret Are you my sister?

Over at there’s some definite loveliness going on:

How adorable are these!?!?

Dallas Shaw always amazes me.

Wikstenmade just posted some great clothes (from here) that I want but the price tag is much too steep for me… this makes me sad. And the sweater with red elbow patched reminds me of those sock monkey things… right?

This is just too clever, and if I had trees in my backyard, I would most definitely get this: via swissmiss

Why, oh why, is this so cute???? and Sold Out!?

bonspiel creations

(bonspiel creation from

Somehow the formatting progressively got worse as this post went on, and I’m too lazy to fix it. Uh wait.. I guess I kinda fixed it. Damn you, interweb! Why must you be so complicated?!

I hate being sick. This sucks. It makes everything that much harder. Do you ever notice how much people complain when they’re sick? Wah wah wah.

My puppy destroyed my living room. AGAIN. This time she attempted Scrabble and I guess wanted to watch a bunch of DVD’s, especially Man on Fire? So creative this one… Oh, and guess what? I’m dying my hair. In a few minutes. Well, whenever I can get my ass out of this chair, stop watching Mad Men, and somehow digest all the broccoli and rice I just ate.

Bloccori and lice.

I’m super excited for tomorrow night, Suz! I hope RZ can come so you can finally meet him. Though that’s looking kind of bleak right now. I’m sure many more things will have progressed by the time we see each other tomorrow night. Oh, and one more thing. RZ constantly says “Oh ya know.. Stuff and things” in reference to a lot of … stuff and things. It’s fucking adorable. I think he actually grabbed my ass and tits and said “What are all these stuff and things?” and then I think a day later we were at a bar and someone asked him what he’s been up to and he said “Stuff and things” (Though different tones used in both cases). I’m a piece of meat (or tofu, or whatever). And I love it.

We need to plan our Dexter party.