A new appreciation for the UES

17 10 2008

This is a terrible stereotype, but I’ve always thought that residents of the Upper East Side were… well, in a word: douchebags. In more words: hoitie-toitie, up-themselves, J.Crew/Ralph Lauren wearing freaks with no sense of humor. Though, obviously, this is an extreme stereotype.

In my search for tickets to the Crystal Castles show on the 23rd (which Suz already has tickets for!), I kept being amazed at the prices people are trying to sell the tickets for. $80, are you kidding me? The show’s at Webster Hall, you assholes! I know I haven’t graced this earth long enough to say I am a sage, or hold infinite wisdom in my years, or anything, but c’mon… I remember when $20 was an outrageous price to pay for a ticket, and it would at least be at a great venue worthy of the price, as opposed to now where people pay $20 to go to a show with a bunch of sweaty hipsters in a dingy basement and get their $120 Irregular Choice pumps all muddied.

And then I saw this:

It reads, if you want to skip clicking on it:

“Just wanted to send out a quick FUCK YOU to all the trashy dickwads buying tickets to Bowery shows and reselling them for 5 times the list price. You’re all garbage.”

To which I emailed them: “I couldn’t have said it any better.”

This person is my hero for the day.
